Saturday, November 8, 2008

Spells and Magick

Wherever you look today on the web, there is someone on some site trying to sell you a spell for love, a quick fix for money, or a charm to bring your long lost canary home. They draw you in with promises of making your dreams come true the fast and easy way. They have the cure for what ails you, an oil that saves toil, and a potion for your notion.

However, there is a simple truth to the order of the world. You only get out of it what you put into it. Real magick is just another type of work. It requires effort as well as an investment of time and faith. It is not simply something chanted out of a book, or mixed in a cauldron like a metaphysical cookie dough.

Because it takes time and effort, there is a limit to how many spells any true practitioner is going to be able to do for others, regardless of what they charge. If these miracle workers spent all their time chanting, praying, or throwing incense on the fire to the degree needed to accomplish their claims, they'd have no time left to eat, sleep, or use the little witch's room.

However the romance of the money spell and the love potion lives on. There is a strong lure to go out and buy books that teach one how to do spells, or to find someone to study under. You can't learn to do spells from books, at least not easily. Or to put it another way, you can try to do magick from a 'cook book', but it's likely to turn out in a way you wouldn't feed your dog.

Few books go through all the exercises and disciplines that must be learned in order to be effective. A book can not enforce discipline either. It can not tell you whether you have meditated on a given Element enough, or whether you've done a proper job of 'clearing' before a ritual. As well they do not always explain the traps and pitfalls inherent in doing 'spells'.

Finding the proper teacher is equally challenging. There is an old saying 'When the student is ready, the teacher appears'. Unfortunately, today that changes to 'When the wallet's pulled out, everyone's a Guru.' Not everyone with a towel on their head, or a pentacle on a chain has actually done the Work. Most of those who have done the work don't advertise.

Assuming you find your way into the Art or the Craft your next challenge is not HOW to do magick, but whether you SHOULD. Just because you can jump out a fifth story window, it's not always the wisest way to the ground floor. It may be quick, but you won't be in shape to do much else after the landing. magick is no different. For every effect you cause, you cause an effect on yourself. Is what you're striving for worth what it may cost you?

It's not my aim to try to teach magick here. A proper teacher teaches in person. There are a lot of strange, antiquated customs incorporated into true traditional teachings. Most of them are there to impart discipline, respect, and a sense of wonder. What I do seek to achieve is to educate and inform those who truly are interested in self-improvement, and positive empowerment.

We will be posting articles on various forms and traditions of magick, as well as guides to what one should avoid, what is more and less appropriate, and how to keep the chamber pot of Karma from emptying on your head.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can I get another lightbulb? This one's dim ...

Who's brilliant idea was it to bring the likes of Sarah Palin on board? Was it after a particularly rough, drug-induced bender? It's frightening to think that anyone could have been of sound mind while deciding this.

And the mindless, white mob in attendance, applauding her empty rhetoric, had me very frightened indeed. Makes me want to change 'neighbourhoods' as I'm not sure I want HER, or anyone who doesn't see through her, as a neighbour.

For those who are socially and environmentally conscious, have a look at this news story. See if it doesn't make you cringe at the thought of having this woman anywhere near ANY post of responsibility. If you have an open mind, remember hers is closed. And that is scariest of all.

Her whole attitude is one where she feels deserving of accolades ... a Diva, if you will. Blame it on her numbers. Being a number 11 personality, combined with a 6 lifepath can lead to her feeling that hers is the ONLY way. She's astute and can play situations to her favour, but she is not open to new ideas, unless they're her own.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One Year Anniversary!

Time flies when you're having fun! We're coming up to the one year anniversary of our reopening.

As a result, we'll be celebrating by hosting a special event once a week. Each event will be held on a different day and time with a different set of rules. You will need to check our Chat Schedule for specifics.

These events will start next week, and most will be held in the Lobby so that both members and non-members can attend.

If you're looking for a free reading, this is the time to come by. Anyone who brings a friend to one of these events will have a chance to win a free 20-minute reading.

Help us make this a great anniversary and find out what we've got in store for the coming year.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Meditation is both the simplest and most complicated thing you will ever do. In theory it seems easy. You need to quiet and focus the mind so that all the internal chatter dies away, leaving you free and clear to tune into the higher energies, re-visualize your life with clarity, and gain insight into your higher purpose.

In practice, it can be a frustrating exercise of fidgeting while trying to block out annoying thoughts about gossip heard at the grocery check-out line, what your fiancĂ© really meant when he said that you don’t really look fat, or whether you remembered to change the kitty litter. Most resolutions to meditate die in the first five minutes of trying.

The number of possible meditations and methods for achieving mental peace are as numerous as the stars in the sky -- or the wanna-be gurus hanging out in obscure shops and downtown cafes. Most of these techniques even have merit. Before trying to determine which path you should follow, you need to come to an understanding of what your own needs may be, and why it is you are meditating.

I have always preferred to break any process into its most basic components. The first rule of empowerment is that you must Know Thyself. One way of gaining an understanding into what fundamentally shapes you as a person and colours your choices, is an exploration of the basic elemental energies, knowing how they feel, how well you relate to each, and how they express themselves in and through you in a balanced fashion.

In order to do this, one must first have a sense of how each energy feels to them personally. Everyone will experience energy in a unique way. While the energy fulfills the same function in each soul, we savour it through the masks of our past experiences. Thus our interaction with each energy is coloured by our past, and by whatever innate characteristics we possess.

There is an interesting side effect of seeking balance through meditation on the elements. A properly balanced state makes reaching deeper levels of awareness easier and more effective. It may seem amusing to think that you will meditate in order that you can meditate better.

But deeper states of meditation may also leave you open to unexpected outside impressions. A strongly balanced energy, self-awareness, and confident control will serve to protect you from unwanted outside influences.

This is not magic. It is not effortless. It takes great work and discipline. A talent or predisposition for mental quiet helps, but in the end, persistence counts for more. Only through repetition and attention will one gain facility with these skills.

Once a basic ease with meditation has been achieved, one can then turn their focus towards particular ends and effects. Specific meditations can be structured to aid or promote healing, to invite inspiration, to remove blocks to physical action, or to encourage emotional connection with others. Meditation is a synergetic skill. It can combine with, strengthen, and improve every other skill we have.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

SpellCasting 101

The art of casting spells
Public Domain

"A spell is a symbolic act done in an altered state of consciousness in order to cause a desired change."

To cast a spell is to project energy through a symbol. It is important to note that the energy is what is key, not the symbol; too often, the symbols are mistaken for the agent that casts the spell. While props are useful at times, it is the mind that works the magic. Correspondences between colors, planets, metals, numbers, plants and minerals, and musical notes make up a great deal of magical lore, and particular objects, shapes, colors, scents, and images do work better than others to embody certain ideas. The most powerful spells are often improvised from materials that feel right or that simply happen to come to hand, however.

Theory of Spellcasting

Spells are an important aspect of magical training. They require the use of the combined faculties of relaxation, visualization, concentration and projection. The casting of spells provides practice in coordinating these skills and developing them further. Spells are extremely sophisticated psychological tools that have subtle, but important, effects on a person's inner growth. Spells may highlight otherwise hidden complexes of the person casting the spell.

A person who has conflicts about success will find great difficulty in concentrating on a money spell, for example. Many times the practical results of a spell are far less important than the psychological insights that arise during the magical work, for discovering our inner blocks and fears is the first step in overcoming them. Spells also go one step further than most forms of psychotherapy, in that they allow us not only to listen to and interpret the unconscious, but also to speak to it in the language it understands.

Symbols, images, and objects used in spells communicate directly with Younger Self, who is the guardian of our emotions and who is barely affected by the intellect. We often understand our feelings and behavior but find ourselves unable to change them, but through spells, we can attain the most important power - the power to change our lives.

Spellcasting also forces us to come to terms with the material world. Many people attracted to the spiritual path of the Craft find themselves uneasy with using magic for practical or material goals. Somehow it seems wrong to work magic for oneself, to want things and to get things. This is an attitude which is a holdover of the Judeo-Christian world view that sees spirit and matter as separate and that identifies matter with evil and corruption.

In the Craft, flesh, the material world, none of what is commonly thought of as matter is separate from spirit. The universe is made up of the Goddess who is manifest in all things. Union with the Goddess comes through embracing the material world and all the gifts that She has placed in it for us. Our major task on this plane of existence is to become masters of this realm of manifestation. We do not fight self-interest; we follow it, but with an awareness that transmutes it into something sacred.

Mechanics of Spellcasting

Spellcasting is the lesser, not the greater magic; but the greater magic builds on the lesser. The paradox is that in spellcasting we may start out working with the personal self, but in order to work the magic we are forced to expand and recognize the Self that moves through all beings.

Magic involves the deliberate self-identification with other objects and people. For example, to do a healing, we must become the healer, the one who is healed, and the energy that is to do the healing. To attract love, we must be able to love ourselves and to become love its self.

Spells work in two basic ways. The first is through suggestion; symbols and images implant certain ideas in Younger Self, or the subconscious mind, and we are then influenced to actualize those ideas. Spells can also influence the external world.

The theoretical model that witches use to explain the workings of magic is a clear one and coincides in many ways with the "new" physics. It is simply an elaborate but extremely useful metaphor. The metaphor is based on a world view that sees things not as fixed objects, but as vortexes of energy. The physical world is formed by the vortexes of energy, and if we cause a change in the energy patterns they, in turn, cause a change in the physical world. When our own energy is concentrated and channeled, it can move the broader energy currents. The images and objects used in spells are the channels. They are the vessels through which our power is poured, and by which it is shaped.

As energy is directed into the images we visualize, it gradually manifests physical form and takes shape in the material world. Directing energy is not a matter of simply emoting. Emotion can be likened to a strobe light which provides a very inconstant light, while directed energy is more like a laser beam. Even concentrated power is a small stream compared with the vast surges of energy that surround us. The most adept witch cannot be successful in all her spells, for the opposing currents are often too strong.

The craft teaches to first identify the flow of energy and then to decide whether or not it is going where we want it to go. If it is not, then we can try to deflect it, or we may have to change our own course. Sensing the energy climate is a matter of intuition and experience. Some witches make a study of Astrology in an effort to plan their magical workings at the optimal times, while others prefer to work when they feel the time is right.

Of all the planets, the Moon's influence on subtle energies is the strongest. Subtle power increases as the Moon waxes, so the time of the waxing Moon is best for spells involving growth or increase, such as money spells. The power peaks when the Moon is full and that is the best time for workings of culmination and love. During the waning Moon, power subsides and turns inward. The waning Moon's period is used for banishings, bindings, and discovering hidden secrets. The practical witch soon learns to adjust her spells to fit the time of the Moon. If, for example, she needs to do a money spell during the waning Moon, she would put a little 'English' on it and make it a poverty banishing spell.

Energy pursues the path of least resistance. Material results are more easily achieved on this plane of existence through physical actions than through magical workings. For example, it is simpler to lock your door than suffer the constant drain from maintaining psychic seals on your doors and windows while you are away from home. Of course, once you have locked your door, you might feel more reassured by placing seals on it.

No magic spell is going to bring results unless channels are opened into the material world. For example, a job spell is useless if you are not willing to go out and interview for jobs or at least let potential employers know that you are in the market for one. In the same vein, a healing spell is no substitute for medical care.

Most medicine today can be broken down into two broad categories, emergency medicine and that which is not needed for immediate life-threatening situations. Emergency medicine has excelled at stabilizing the body's condition so that it can repair itself at its own pace. Most other forms of medicine consist of treatment through surgery or chemotherapy or a combination of both. The procedures noted above work on the physical body and do not take the other levels into consideration. Psychic healing works at healing the higher levels of the person so that the physical heals itself or allows the person to let go of their physical body if it cannot be repaired. In either case, the choice rests with the person who is being healed and not the healer.

Visualization used in creating a spell should focus on the desired result, not the individual steps leading up to the result. We give the spell free rein in how it goes about achieving the results with the understanding that it is not to bring harm to anyone or any being. For this reason, spells have a habit of working in very unexpected ways.

To assure that the power we have unleashed does not inadvertently cause harm, we bind the spell. This serves to 'set' the form we have created so that the energy becomes fixed in the pattern we desire. The energy we project to others affects us even more strongly than the other person. This is because we have generated the energy, and thus we have become the object at which the energy is directed. If healing energy is sent out, then the health of the person casting the spell is enhanced. By the same token, any hex or curse that is sent out ALWAYS affects the person who sends it no matter whether it affected the person it was sent at or not.

MAGIC IS NOT TO BE USED TO GAIN POWER OVER OTHERS. Magic is a technique used in developing your own 'power from within.' Spells that are directed at gaining power over others weaken the 'power from within.' Aside from the damage done to oneself, it is important for another reason. Many people who do not understand the laws of magic are afraid of being attacked magically and are given to paranoia. The witch's main stock-in-trade used to be removing a competitor's hexes and preparing charms to protect their clients. While true psychic attacks are EXTREMELY RARE, a person's guilt makes up for any lack, and after using 'forbidden' help, their paranoia leads them to seek protection from the same person they just turned to in desperation. Do yourself a favor, and resist the temptation to 'help' these types. Most magical formularies consist of formulae gathered and tested by witches as well as many charms to protect the common man from those same witches who sold them their charms.

Times and Correspondences

I mentioned earlier that timing and the right props are considered important in spellcasting. Over the years, systems of Correspondences were developed which assigned certain attributes and aspects to the seven ancient planets of Astrology. Each planet was assigned a God or Goddess, who embodies the attributes the ancients wished to invoke. Each of the Gods and Goddesses were assigned an hour of the day, color, incense, metal, number, signature, plant, mineral, musical note, and animal or bird.

General Guidelines for Casting Spells

Set aside a room for your magical work. Decorate it with things that put you in a magical mood. Remember to use things that stimulate all five of your physical senses. Some obvious things would be the use of appropriate colors for sight, incense for scent, music for hearing, wines for taste, and textures for feel.

If you do not have a room you can set aside exclusively for your magical work, then choose a room that can be locked while you do your work. This will allow you to work undisturbed. In any case, you should clean your work area periodically with a purifying powder/floorwash to keep away negative vibrations.

Set up an altar to be used as your worktable. It's size and shape should be those that appeal to you. Placing candles and other items that assist you to concentrate on the work at hand is a good practice. Some people like to cover their altar with a white cloth and place fresh cut flowers on it every day.

Always use the best candles, oils, and incenses that you can afford, or make your own, for scrimping on materials has a negative effect on the subconscious. Don't forget that the subconscious is very good at making do with raw materials that it can shape to its own use.

Never cast a spell until you have a clear and concise picture of what it is you wish to accomplish. This ties in with the saying "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Always ground out any extra energy you raise for the spell, and bind the spell so that it expires within the pre-determined amount of time. Once you have cast the spell, do not discuss it with any one until after it has worked. Most spells peter out because the person who cast it boasts about it to so many people, that the spell is robbed of power before it has a chance to work. The ancient bond placed on the magician was to dare, to know and to keep silent.

Above all, at all times, remember the Rede: "An ye harm none, do what you will." You do not know all the effects of your spell, therefore, use magick sparingly, if at all.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama .. A once-in-a- lifetime leader?? Haven’t had enough of Bush-lite?

I have debated for quite some time whether or not I should post this. After all, I am just a Canadian. What do we know? Some Americans feel we have our heads in the sand, because we do not embrace their views without question. I beg to differ. We just get a far less biased account of the news and, perhaps as a result, can see things more clearly.

It is unfortunate that American reporting is so myopic, but in their defense, the government’s control seems to be all-encompassing. Free speech and human rights seem to be empty words. I urge those wanting to inform themselves and to know what is REALLY going on, to read news from various countries around the world. Thanks to the Internet, there is no longer an excuse to remain ignorant of the facts.

I feel compelled, at this time, to voice my own analysis on the candidates, with a twist. I am an intuitive, and a numerologist, so this may give some of you a bit of a different spin on things. I do not want to put in my two cents without some extra backing. I‘m trying to be a little more ‘objective’ in determining who I think is the best person to effect the drastic change needed at this time. Who is the person who can bring hope to the American people? Who can help them move forward and away from the slime of the Bush years? It is interesting to see how numerology fits the bill. And as I’m fond of saying … numbers never lie.

However, before we can look to the future, we need to glance briefly at the past. Let us take a quick peek, shall we, at the only president in history to come to office with a criminal record. I would like to illustrate how the negative vibration of numbers can be quite devastating. Born July 6, 1946, Bush is a double six. While the number 6 vibration is one of compassion, service and responsibility, it is obvious that George W has severely veered off his path. When the number 6 is under-balanced, we see a lack of truthfulness, lack of order, poor economy, stagnation, manipulation, insensitivity and irresponsibility in someone who is weak-willed, shallow and selfish. How extremely sad, since he had the potential to truly make a difference, if he had only tried.

John McCain … although I am NOT a republican … I will include him as he is obviously on the agenda. He would be unbalanced in power. Being a double 11, and likely not of the 'enlightened' variety, he is most likely the sort that will ignore those around him. There's a strong stubborn attitude. He is also not very open about his real feelings as he tends to keep those below the surface. He reminds me of a cat swishing is tail. You never quite know when he is going to pounce; you don't know if he is joking or for real. There are many things he keeps hidden and for that reason, is not someone who … even if he was a Democrat ... that I could warm up to. Something just does not feel right, and I hope that people do not find out too late what that is.

Barack Obama …. Interesting choice. Seems to be a gregarious fellow, though I believe he is counting on his personality a little too much. But what about his character? You can only keep the polish up for a while, however the flaws end up showing eventually. I see him as being dangerous. The problem is people may not see this until it is too late.. He is a number 4 Leo in a number 4 year … with a number 11 lifepath. A rather edgy combination, and not in a good way. Look for someone who is rather full of his own 'specialness.'

When you highlight this with his inner identity crisis, this is a person who lacks sincerity and endurance. He is not someone who is likely to listen to others, but will go to lengths to prove his ‘rightness’. He is not the most confident on the inside and this is in direct opposition to the fact that he feels entitled. This combination does not inspire great confidence that he would make a good leader. He does not have the experience needed but he ‘thinks’ he can pull it off. He may be in for a rude awakening at the expense of the American people. My fears are that he will win the nomination and possibly the presidency and will fulfill the prophecy of yet another once-in-a-lifetime leader. However, that does not mean it is a good thing.

Hillary Clinton, I left for last. Even if I am not entirely sure where I stand with her, I would not hesitate voting for her. She has more inner resolve than the other two combined. She has compassion, and a creative vision that the other two lack. They are too shortsighted and full of their own prowess. She is actually able to look past the issues and find tangible solutions. In my opinion, she should use the gender card like Obama is using the racial card. People forget that women are still constantly discriminated against. Nothing new there. Should it be made a political issue?

She is a number 8 birth number with a number 3 lifepath. Her numbers show someone who has overcome many obstacles and this has given her strength of character. She is definitely a tough opponent, but one that encompasses the vibration of giving and receiving in balance. A drawback may be that although she can be far-sighted and see the big picture clearly, she may have difficulty getting those around her to see it. It can be a difficult position to be in, however there is a strong creative principle around her, as well as the ability to express herself clearly.

If I take a moment to really allow the energy of the candidates to vibrate honestly, it’s clear, that I feel repelled by the energy I feel coming from McCain and not too sure about Obama. I am a number 11 lifepath, and I know how very difficult that lifepath can be. Maybe it's my own sense of 'specialness' though I know that it is an arduous journey. Most never achieve its potential. I know I struggle with it daily. With this in mind, I strongly feel that Hillary has an energy that best fits with the gigantic task of making desperately needed changes after eight years of corruption and mayhem.

Nonetheless, regardless of any views posted here, my wish is for people to look deep inside to the stillness within and see the truth for themselves. Let that be their guide, not the empty rhetoric the present government forces the media to regurgitate on a daily basis.