Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fast Tracking Energy!

Reiki CD Attunements??? Dr. Usui would roll in his grave. What’s next, learning magick by playing Simon Says? Perhaps we should teach people to become doctors that way. Why bother going to medical school? We could extend this to those looking to study law. They could simply play CDs in their sleep and learn subliminally.

We live in a world that has gone to hell and is trying desperately to redeem itself with smoke and mirrors. Every day I find something that irks me. Perhaps I need to make a habit of writing more frequently. I certainly have enough opinions on issues. But lately, time has slipped away as I’ve been busy revamping a site that has lain dormant for a few years. I’ll write about that progress later, but for today, I just need to climb up here for a few moments … grab my megaphone … and yell to anyone who may want to listen.

I just received an email, forwarded from a well-meaning client, regarding a topic that is very near and dear to my heart: energy healing. More specifically this email was talking about the benefits of Reiki in Alzheimer’s patients. It cited a study published in a peer-reviewed medical journal and of course, the findings were favourable. No surprise there. Reiki has been shown to benefit people with a variety of problems or issues: AIDS, cancer, surgical patients, women in labour, fibromyalgia, emotional problems, psychological issues … the list continues.

I continued reading the synopsis of the report, and found myself nodding at what I already knew. I thought how nice it was that Reiki was being studied and reported in more mainstream publications. I, for one, certainly feel it’s about time. I made a mental note to report on findings more frequently, and let others know about the many benefits of Reiki and energy healing.

However, the last paragraph stopped me cold. I had to reread it a few times for it to register. It ended with a link and after clicking it, I became so angry I felt I had to write something, anything … but being silent was not an option.

The last line stated that “If you haven’t had one or all of your attunements yet, you can get them quickly and easily by following this link: …’

The link opened to a page where you could order a la carte your choice of books, as well as CDs that will attune you to any level you wish. I wanted to scream. I think I did, as the dogs stopped for a moment and stared at me.

Reiki is much more than what people think. The bond between teacher and student endures far beyond the initial classes. An attunement involves the transfer of energy from teacher to student. As a result, a teacher, in any tradition, takes responsibility for the student.

We all have choices. It is not my place to tell anyone what to do. However I must object to any site condoning a lazy attitude to discipline. For those serious about a path with Reiki, I urge you to run from places like that. There is so much more to Reiki. Remember … you get what you pay for. If you want a BMW, you buy a BMW. You don’t buy a Neon and expect a BMW.

I have to question what responsibility a CD has? I cannot understand the dedication of someone who would put together something like this. I would seriously question their motive. What kind of mentoring do they have in place? A good teacher always makes themselves accessible to their students. You don’t just cast a few symbols out … clap your hands and send people on their merry way.

In my tradition, online attunements are still not accepted by many. And I understand the reason. It has taken me a long time to make the decision to teach Reiki online. But times are changing, and there is a need for qualified and accurate information to be taught. After seeing this site, I am convinced, more than ever, that my decision was correct.

If you are looking to learn Reiki, then find out all you can about the person you are considering as a teacher. Feel how their energy resonates with yours. If something doesn’t feel right, then listen to that voice of reason and walk away.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Remote Viewing

In recent years, an increase in study and controversy has arisen out of the concept of remote viewing. Though not entirely new to us, it has changed, from something that was out of our realm of understanding to being scientifically proven. The Stargate Project was formed within our own United States government in conjunction with various military branches during the cold war.

Before going on further, a definition of Remote Viewing is in order:“ it is using scientific protocol to develop and extend the ability, so ordinary people can learn to do what psychics do.”

Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! Psychic ability can be among the abilities of a Remote Viewer but not necessarily a strong suit in their daily lives. Remote viewing is the ability to “see, sense, smell, taste or know the surrounding target area.” Psychics can already do this! They have a knowing, either through extra-sensory information or symbols. So what sets a Remote Viewer apart? The ability to see , smell, taste or feel details of the target surroundings.

The perception is that the senses must be alive and tangible in order to interpret the surroundings! As an example, a Remote Viewer may say "I see the leaf of a large plant slightly behind you to the right." This fact is either false or quickly validated.

Having given you a sense of definition, the task now becomes how to validate and prove that a Remote Viewers target is real and tangible. First let me suggest reading “Remote Viewing Secrets: A handbook” authored by Joseph Mc Moneagle, the Stargate Project's #001 Viewer. In his book, and several others I’ve researched, there is a protocol that is followed when working on serious remote viewing sessions. This is to rule out “infected” or biased information.

In a serious program the following participants are needed:

A target planner- chooses target unknown to remote viewer

A remote viewer- works set target

A monitor-insures that no infection and actually in space viewer is
in to insure no contamination of target or information

An Outbound - actually goes to target site to validate the viewing

Evaluator - evaluates results of the viewing.

Targets are randomly sealed and numbers are issued. The Viewer might hear the information presented in this way --“ Tell me what you can on this target addressed in envelope # 267-Aq at this moment in time or a set time presented” nothing else of location time etc can be added.

The target is selected sealed and the monitor presents the target. The viewer establishes information and records his/ her findings. The monitor insures no contamination or feedback is there. The Outbound will then physically visit site for validation and record the findings. The evaluator then records every detail from the Target planner to the Outbound.

The less the Remote Viewer is told, the more accurate the information received can be validated. The more unknown the target, the more accurate and true the information that can be perceived and validated.

Now comes another important question. How can you develop this ability? First, it must be stressed that a high level of meditation be achieved! The quieter and less cluttered the human mind is, the better the chance of perception of the unseen. The higher the level of openness you have to accept without analyzing the information, the more accurate your viewing will be. In addition a well-trained, focused mind can perceive details much better.

So! Meditation is the first step. Another is to practice. A good site to look into to begin practicing your remote viewing skills is Follow the instructions and see how you do. Don’t stress if you miss. Look at it as an exercise only.

Also, don't forget to get the book mentioned earlier in this article. It will help you understand how and what to do or not do. Good Luck.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Karmic Lessons

Ever ask yourself why your life seems so difficult? Or why the lessons you are to learn are so hard? Often, it is a result of karmic debt, as well as the life contract that you made before coming back.

We hear the term karma everywhere. Anything and everything seems to be attributed to it. For some, it is just a saying that they pay no attention to. But as in many things, whether you believe in it or not, karma exists. As we proceed through each lifetime, we are constantly creating karma; we create it with our thoughts and our actions. It is not just an accumulation of debts and credits from past lifetimes, but karma is also based on the actions we undertake in this one. Karmic lessons are sometimes lived out in the same lifetime. Also, if we don’t learn the lessons we need to, we tend to relive them until we finally understand.

If you find yourself burdened with many troubles in this life, you may be suffering from karmic debt. It is important to also mention here, that some individuals have come back as a group - usually a family - where one member has agreed to be the carrier of karmic burdens. We can see this in a family that prospers only to have one individual who is always falling on hard times. Some have very little karma carried over from past lives while others have more than their share.

One method of uncovering your karmic debt is through numerology. If you are living a life that is burdened by karma, you can choose to find out what those lessons are and work through them to heal and release that karma. Past-life readings are another way of finding what lives you lived and what was carried over that needs to be dealt with in this life.

Many times, we have unfounded worries or fears that do not make sense. These are possibly fears of an event that may have occurred in a past-life. An example of this is a car wreck on icy roads. If you died that way in a prior life, it is very possible that you will be terrified of driving on icy roads in this lifetime.

One case of past-life healing is that of a woman who found that she had been part of the Chippewa tribe of Indians. She found that she had been traded to one clan of the tribe from another clan of the same tribe, in exchange for goods. She was traded and used as a slave for the men. This woman has vivid memories of her hands and feet bleeding and sore from constant work. She also remembers being used by many of the men for their satisfaction. She has a persistent memory of the pain and exhaustion that she suffered. This has caused relationship problems in her current life; she has feelings of abandonment and an acute distrust and fear of men. She also suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This has led to much suffering for her in this lifetime. Now that she is aware of why she has these feelings and where they come from, she can begin to heal.

Our past lives are all a part of who we are: who our whole soul is. We carry everything we've learned in each incarnation as we journey through subsequent lives. We may not consciously know about them, however, they are very much a part of who we are.

Past-life readings are fun and can be helpful. They tend to help bring the memories of each lifetime to your conscious mind. This can be extremely healing and answer many questions about your feelings in this lifetime.

Just remember that, as you travel through this lifetime, many of the fears and troubles you are experiencing may not stem from this life. They come from another place and time and are intriguing to learn about.

Find out about your karmic debts and past lives, and learn how to work through them. You may find it helps you better achieve the goals you have set for this life.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Slow Down ... You Move Too Fast!

In today’s fast-paced world, we find time disappearing so quickly many of us are left shaking our heads. We live in a world where fast cars and fast food have taken precedence and disposable no longer describes a product but our attitude to life in general. The more we go, the faster things get -- partly because we are busy, but also because the energy shift that has been occurring in the last few years is causing many of us to feel its effects even more acutely.

In all this zipping around at the speed of life, our bodies and minds need a break from the noise. Our energy becomes diluted and it becomes critical for our well being to replenish what is lost. Meditation is just the tonic we need to recharge. It is essential to help us reconnect with ourselves and with the Divine. And for anyone who works with energy such as healers, intuitives, and mediums, meditation becomes critical and is a prerequisite to achieving depth and permanence in our work.

The purpose of meditation is to shut off the sensations of the world: turning off the frantic vibes assailing us at ever turn. It enables us to focus on the subtleties coming through from the astral and mental planes. But for many of us, our busy, noisy lives make it difficult to clear our minds. The thoughts, stresses and emotions going on all around us make it hard to focus. With practice and determination, however, meditative techniques can become part of our fabric. Being able to call on the peace and serenity that meditation brings can often make a world of difference.

Think, also, of meditation as life insurance, not only in this life but any future incarnations you may have. It is believed, by some, that subsequent generations of your family also benefit from the energy generated when you meditate.

In addition to all the aforementioned benefits, the energy raised in meditation is also known to elevate the vibration on our planet, assisting the earth on all levels. Our environment has never been in more desperate need of healing nor has humanity, as a whole, been in more urgent need of peace and understanding.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Is it the Flu? Or am I just out of Balance?

Why do we become blocked? Why do we fail to find or keep the relationships we desire? Why do our careers sometimes seem to hit a dead end? Are we just unlucky? Cursed? Is it just “not meant to be”?

Often we plant the seeds of our own failures. We either try to bring the wrong people into our lives, or else we let ourselves be drawn into situations that are not the best for us. Why do we do this?

In order to decipher the more complex patterns and interactions in our lives, we have to break them all down into their component parts. Every situation, relationship, pattern in our life can be defined as an interaction of four basic elemental forces. This is just one system of understanding how we interact with the world and each other, but it is an old one that has been tried, proven, and repeated through from ancient times to the present.

For those of you who think that combinations of just four forces, or energies, could not be complex enough to describe all the different patterns in our love lives, our careers, or our families, let me remind you of one thing. All life on earth is a manifestation of the genetic information stored on DNA. Every gene of every creature on the planet is created by codes built from only four nucleotides.

There are several ways that our lives and energies may be out of balance. We may have too much of one or more of the energies. We may have too little. When we have too much, we may draw to us others that are weak in the areas where we are strong, who need to latch on to us and effectively drain us of our strengths. If we have too little, we can be drawn, consciously or not, to someone who exudes strength in that area, no matter how messed up they are in other parts of their lives.

Even if we achieve something close to a balance in our lives, it is important to understand how and why we are balanced. Those who lack balance may be drawn to those that have it, seeking it for themselves. When a person is truly balanced and AWARE, they can sense the imbalance around them, and have the choice to keep it away, or deal with it. Otherwise, they may be fooled into letting someone into their lives that will upset the fragile balance they have achieved. Imbalance is catching.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lightworkers? or just a Strobe Effect ....

Do people know what a ‘light’ worker really is? Do those that proclaim themselves lightworkers put any real amount of time and effort into developing their own spirituality? I watch these enlightened souls argue stupidities, while they claim to channel messages from their guides. It’s at times like these that I have to question both the validity of their guides and the information they receive. Somebody needs to inform them that sitting by the phone burning incense and candles, surrounded by pretty stones while listening to ethereal music just doesn’t cut it. That’s not what this is about.

Lightworkers … real workers of the light are truly dedicated healers and workers OF the light. They don’t smoke cigarettes. They don’t drink to excess. They honour their body; their temple. They don’t talk about how much money they earn. They talk about the lives they enrich. They talk about how much more of themselves they can give. They care about the homeless. They care about abused children. They care about those less fortunate. They help heal each tragedy they can. They aren’t obsessed about bad ratings or exchanging information on ‘bad’ clients. They don’t ridicule knowledge just because they don’t agree and they don’t try to keep a status quo just because it keeps them in a comfort zone.

Some talk out of both sides of their mouths without realizing it. One claims she has “been doing readings for 20 years” … and receives messages from guides that “are descended from ancient wisdoms and truths” yet has recently claimed that ancient knowledge is nothing more than ‘myth’. Go figure.

I was trying to illustrate a point on a forum recently, for anyone who was looking for valid information on a particulary topic. However, someone disagreed, but rather than trying to keep an open mind, I was recently told by one of these dedicated “lightworkers” during the course of that debate, that “if we were in the real world, I would've simply said: ” … In another show of love and light to a fellow colleague someone else felt the need to show open disdain by saying “I am not going to say it again you pathetic little individual. “ hmmmm … funny. If this is an example of a ‘lightworker’ please … cross me off the list.

BE-ing a worker of light ... is so much more than just a job ... it's a way of life.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Whose Will is it Anyway???

This was originally posted on another blog board but it is no longer active. I think it bears reposting.

I clicked on a link the other day. It was an ad that guaranteed results to ‘Retrieve a Lover’ with ‘Powerful Love Spells.’ Wow. They can do that … hmmmmm …. Curious about this one … I went where it led.

I was taken to yet another page that listed a whole menu of love spells, kits and dolls. Now, how easy could that be? Order your poison, à-la-carte … from the ‘Return Your Lover to You’ spell to the nasty ‘Whammy Spell.’ Isn’t that special? These spells promise everything from rendering the object of your obsession totally defenseless against your less than desirable charms to breaking up any couple at will. Shouldn’t everyone keep at least a couple of these beauties on hand … just in case??

Ads like those are a dime a dozen. And there are many people out there that just eat them up. Make ex-lovers dance like puppets on a string. Control them whenever you wish. Forget about free will … let’s just impose our will on whomever we like, whenever we like. To hell with the consequences. What surprised me most though, about this particular ad, was the site on which it was found. It appeared, at first glance, to look like a reputable one. But appearances are deceiving, I guess.

Today we find a society that is so fixated on immediate self-gratification that no one is willing to wait for anything anymore. We want it … we want it now … who cares who it hurts. We can’t be bothered to fix anything; we’d just as soon dispose of it. As a result … we are diluting the very energies we need to be strengthening.

There are many of us who have abilities to manifest, but true knowledge comes through discipline and understanding. And with knowledge comes great responsibility. Spells should never be sold like supermarket rag mags. Rather students need to learn the proper ways to manifest and work with energy. This takes time, dedication and work.

For every action we take, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a Newtonian principle readily accepted in physics. It should be equally applied to metaphysics. Just because we CAN make something happen … doesn’t mean we should.

I wonder if the poor fools that are conned into parting with their hard-earned money realize, that anyone really qualified to do the work they wish done, simply would not. Those who understand how to manifest, also know the consequences these actions bring. The wise ones won’t unduly attract unnecessary backlash.

However, for those who do choose to purchase spells of the variety mentioned earlier, there are interesting questions to ponder. Who takes on the karma for these actions? The person placing the request? The one performing the rite? And let’s not forget the recipient of all this attention … do they reap extra benefits down the road for having had their free will interfered with? Just a couple of issues to carefully consider.

People need to be aware that energy, regardless of intent or tradition can be compared to electricity. You cannot see it, not easily, but it exists. It is neither right nor wrong; it simply exists in its raw form, with potential for both good and evil. It is what we do with it that matters, and like electricity we can choose to heal or nurture, or we can bring harm or kill. Those that understand its potential are very careful to work within the laws. Those that care more for power and recognition will flaunt their disregard. Something to remember the next time you’re thinking of turning someone on the way you flick a switch.